CAI Celebrates its Golden Anniversary

Community Associations Institute hits a huge milestone by turning 50 this year, Tom Skiba, CEO, of CAI, talks about how the association has evolved.

January 27, 2023 | Megha S Anthony | USA | Community Management

CAI Celebrates its Golden Anniversary

Community Associations Institute (CAI) hits a huge milestone by turning 50 this year. And the celebrations are well-underway for this association which has driven transformation, integrated technology, ignited passion, and instill pride among Community Managers across the nation and the globe.

Today, CAI has nearly 44,000 members and 64 chapters worldwide, including Canada, the Middle East, and South Africa, and relationships with housing leaders in Australia and the United Kingdom, among other countries. The association over the years has been instrumental in being a resource house of information, education, and best practices. It has enabled association board members and other homeowner leaders, community managers, association management firms, and other professionals who provide products and services to associations to grow in their profession.

“We have long believed that homeowners and condominium associations should strive to exceed the expectations of their residents. Our mission remains true today. We work toward this goal by identifying and meeting the evolving needs of the professionals and volunteers who serve associations, by being a trusted forum for the collaborative exchange of knowledge and information, and by helping our members learn, achieve, and excel. Throughout the years, our members have helped CAI create a special place to connect, learn, and grow—making every member feel welcome,” says Tom Skiba, CEO, of CAI.

At the half-century mark, CAI has a lot to be proud of—and a lot of work to do to guide the industry and the organization successfully into the future. It's a tall order with lots of challenges and obstacles, but a clear vision and determination to succeed can help lead the industry toward a bright and rewarding future.

“Fifty years ago, condominiums and estate living were new forms of home ownership that the public didn't understand or know much about,” says Skiba. A straightforward mission for CAI in the future—is to continue to educate homebuyers around the world on the concept and get owners involved so that communities operate smoothly. By providing essential information, education, and resources to these we can support the success of this popular form of housing.”

CAI serves community associations by:

  • Advancing excellence through seminars, workshops, conferences, and education programs, most of which lead to professional designations for community managers and other industry professionals.
  • Publishing the largest collection of resources available on community association management and governance, including website content, books, guides, Common Ground TM magazine, and specialized newsletters.
  • Advocating on behalf of common interest communities and industry professionals before legislatures, regulatory bodies, and the courts.
  • Conducting research and serving as an international clearinghouse for information, innovations, and best practices in community association development, governance, and management.

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